Satori Stage
Ako je to so sexom, intimitou, pohlavím a ich reprezentáciou, dramatizáciou a re-kodifikáciou v reklame? Kedy to začalo a aký to má vývoj?
Satori Stage
Ako je to so sexom, intimitou, pohlavím a ich reprezentáciou, dramatizáciou a re-kodifikáciou v reklame? Kedy to začalo a aký to má vývoj?
MinarKit is a unique how-to tool and workflow that guides you through the process of creating a high-quality brand strategy – or a product and marketing strategy – that factors in current trends and finds a relevant and lucrative market niche for companies and brands. And it always does so quickly. If you want to find out more, get in touch with us.
Numbers, trends, information, data. Everyone wants to have them. Thanks to big data, we actually often do. A lot of it. However... The data, by itself, does not tell much if it is not accompanied by its interpretation and context, which, in addition to the how, when, where and how often also tells you the why of it, and especially shows you the implications for the brand and business and provides direction for what to do today, tomorrow or in a year. DataWorks turns data into insights, numbers into interpretation, information into knowledge and market mapping into a hunt for business opportunities. If you want your data to work, and to work for you, get in touch with us.
With ArcheStory, the brand gains uniqueness, a strong identity and meaning, along with an irresistible personality, which helps increase its mental availability and creates the grounds for consumers to remember it in purchasing situations. ArcheStory is a tool which we use to give brands and products the strength of archetypes and storytelling, connecting consumer motivation and product sales. If you want to give your brand a strong story that will give it uniqueness and make it stand out, get in touch with us.
The company mission, vision, values, brand purpose, strategy, positioning statement, narrative – that is the BrandBook. It is a clear, understandable, inspiring, motivating and enticing key document about your company and brand. It gives companies and brands a guide to how they should behave, what products they should offer and how they should communicate them. Companies which have their own BrandBook have a clearly defined company culture, have a personality of their own, understand the meaning of their own existence, recognise their goals, and know their market. They have their own “Northern Star” which guides them. If you also want to have one, get in touch with us.
One thing is to know what to do. It is a completely different thing to know how to do it. With BrightHow, you move from the answer to “What to do” to answers to similarly important questions: How should I do it? When should I do it? If you want to know how to get there, get in touch with us.
We can design and perform research to find out important data and information that leads us to key insights. We can also acquire data from other sources. If you do not have your own research or need information about your market, get in touch with us.
From time to time, it is good to find out about something that might inspire you and give you information that you can base your decisions on. SeMinar will provide you with lectures and workshops about advertising, marketing and important trends. If you are interested in lectures and workshops about brand building, marketing basics, marketing strategy preparation, social and marketing trends, cultural history or the current state of advertising and marketing, get in touch with us. You can also reach out to us if you are interested in your own particular topic. We’ll surely find a way.
To have a good friend on the phone whom you can call anytime for advice is certainly a good thing. It is even better if you have someone you can call when in need of a quick business consultation. That’s what CallMinar is for – a way to get a quick, instant and expert advice or consultation that will help you decide. You can use your phone, e-mail, Skype, Messenger or WhatsApp. More than 21 years of experience and a unique library full of professional literature are certainly worth something. If you want to take advantage of that in case of a quick professional consultation, get in touch with us. GET IN TOUCH